Two students decorate plain white bags while looking at a picture of the Riverside Water Tower

District 96 art students were invited to decorate 150 luminaria bags to celebrate the village’s 150th anniversary! All five schools were given 30 bags.

These will be on display at the Opening Ceremony & Tower Lighting on Wednesday, January 15, 4:45pm-5:30pm, at the Riverside Water Tower.

The student-decorated lanterns represent Riverside’s 150 years and the positive spirit of this landmark community looking forward to the future. Don’t miss seeing the paper lanterns illuminated at the opening ceremony. Also enjoy free hot chocolate from Dulce Mami Cafe and live music by RB’s jazz band.

Riverside School District 96 Board Members and Superintendent Martha Ryan-Toye will be there to help kick off the Village’s anniversary year. We hope to see you too!