Riverside School District 96 E-Learning Day FAQ

  • When will District 96 use an E-Learning day?

    • The district will use an E-Learning day when an emergency closing is deemed necessary.

  • How will students and parents be notified if an E-Learning day will be used?

    • The district will communicate an E-Learning day through our website and through an email. A message will be sent to notify families that school has been canceled. This message will include a link to students’ E-Learning modules.

  • Do E-Learning days have to be made up at the end of the school year?

    • The state has determined that E-Learning days do not extend the school year, so no emergency days will be used at the end of the year due to E-Learning days.

  • What will it look like for students?

    • Each student is assigned eLearning Modules (lessons) that will be available at 8:30 am on an emergency day.

    • Students are required to complete the assigned E-Learning Modules to count for a participation grade and to be marked present for the day’s attendance.

  • What subject areas will be addressed during an eLearning Day?

    • Elementary Students will complete lessons on all subjects covered on an instructional day. Students will complete their Encore class (PE, Art or Music) if they were scheduled to participate in the class on that day.

    • Middle School Students will complete lessons from all of their subjects covered on an instructional day.

  • When will my student’s work be due?

    • Student work will be due upon their return to school following the E-Learning day.

  • How will attendance be taken?

    • Attendance will be taken based upon the completion of the assigned work. If a student completes the assigned work, he or she will be marked present for the day.

  • What happens if my child needs assistance?

    • Teachers are available from 8:30 AM - 1:30 PM via email, Google Classsroom, or Seesaw. Teachers will electronically answer questions students may have on any required work.

    • If a student needs technical assistance, he or she can Email District 96 Tech Support .

  • What do I do if I have technology-related questions during an E-Learning day?

  • How will the E-Learning day impact after-school activities?

    • After-school activities will be treated the same as if the school was closed. All elementary and Jr. High activities will be canceled.

  • Will grades on E-Learning assignments be marked as for completion only or will assignment checked for accuracy and graded?

    • Assignments will be evaluated for completion and attendance.

  • If students have special needs or modified curriculum, how can E-Learning address that? What about children who meet with a Speech & Language Pathologist, Occupational Therapist, etc?

    • The Special Education Teacher/Case Manager will be available to families of students on their and will contact the family and students regarding assignments to complete.

    • Related service/therapy minutes will be made up when students return to school.