
District Plan for eLearning


This document aims to outline how Riverside School District 96 will utilize, account for, structure, monitor, and communicate eLearning days in the event of an emergency (weather or otherwise) that requires closing the school building. This eLearning plan continues with synchronous and asynchronous instruction for eLearning days.


Public Act 101-0012, effective July 1, 2019, allows all school districts in Illinois to utilize up to five eLearning days in place of the five emergency days on the ISBE-approved school calendar.


District 96 will notify students, families, and staff of an eLearning day upon notification of an emergency (weather or otherwise) closing. Communication will be sent via email to all family email addresses on file in PowerSchool and via phone blast to all families. Staff will receive notification through an email blast. Communication of an eLearning day will also be posted on the school website View Website Riverside School District 96

Access to Technology and Wifi:

According to Public Act 101-0012, “The school district will ensure access from home or other appropriate remote facility for all students participating, including computers, the Internet, and other forms of electronic communication that must be utilized…” Students in grades kindergarten through two (2) are issued an iPad at the beginning of the school year. Students in grades three (3) through eight (8) are given a Google Chromebook at the beginning of the school year. All materials necessary to complete the learning experiences on an eLearning day will be accessed through Seesaw in kindergarten through grade two (2) and Schoology in grades three (3) through eight (8). These materials can also be provided as paper materials for students/families without internet access.  Additionally, due dates for students without consistent internet access (or whose internet is out of order due to the circumstances that resulted in an eLearning day) will be adjusted.


Staff members regularly receive professional development with Seesaw and Schoology, as these tools are used consistently throughout the school year. Students receive instruction on using Seesaw and Schoology as part of their educational experience since these tools are used consistently throughout the school year. Staff members will show students specifically where to access eLearning folders and materials on either platform.

Learning Experience Expectations:

Students must be provided meaningful learning experiences which are aligned to standards. The learning that takes place on an eLearning day should be connected to students’ current units of study and not “work” that stands in isolation. Additionally, teachers should be able to measure, upon students’ completion of the learning activity, that learning did take place. A student’s experience in an eLearning day should be equivalent to a regular school day (five hours). A teacher’s eLearning plan should represent a traditional class period. In adherence to the law, the total learning experiences of an eLearning day will equal at least five (5) hours of instructional time for students in grades 1-8 and at least two and a half (2.5) hours for students in pre-kindergarten and kindergarten.

Student Expectations:

  • Pre-kindergarten students will receive synchronous instruction for Morning Circle and Read Aloud. Students will access the link for this live instruction at 8:30 for AM students and 12:15 for PM students through Google Classroom or Seesaw. In addition, interactive lessons and activities will be virtually available to students during the asynchronous portion of the day.

  • Kindergarten students will receive 1 hour and 35 minutes of synchronous instruction. Students will access the link for this live instruction at 8:15 AM through Seesaw. Students will also receive independent work to complete for the remainder of the day, which may include extensions of the synchronous lessons, Lexia, and iReady My Path minutes. Teachers will share these independent assignments with students through Seesaw.

  • First and Second-grade students will receive 3 hours and 10 minutes of synchronous instruction. This instruction will include class meetings, mathematics, and English Language Arts. Students will access this instruction at 8:15 AM through Seesaw. Students will also receive independent work to complete for the remainder of the day, which may include extensions of the morning’s lessons, social studies, and science assignments. Independent assignments will be shared through Seesaw.

  • Third through Fifth-grade students will receive 3 hours and 10 minutes of synchronous instruction. This instruction will include class meetings, mathematics, and English Language Arts. Students will access this instruction at 8:15 AM through Schoology. Students will also receive independent work to complete for the remainder of the day, which may include extensions of the morning’s lessons, social studies, and science assignments. Independent assignments will be shared through Schoology and may also include band or orchestra lessons for fifth-grade students, depending on the day of the week.

  • Elementary students who have a special area class scheduled between 8:15 and 11:25 that day will receive synchronous instruction for the regularly scheduled special area class at the regularly scheduled time.

  • Sixth through Eighth-grade students will receive 4 hours of synchronous instruction beginning at 8:20 AM. Students will follow their normal rotation of classes, with each class lasting 25-minutes in length, 50 minutes for ELA and mathematics. Students will also receive independent work to complete for the remainder of the day. Independent assignments will be shared through Schoology.

  • Students and parents should seek help if needed. Teachers in grades kindergarten through five can be reached by Seesaw messages, Schoology, or email beginning at 12:25 PM and lasting until 2:10 PM. Hauser Junior High teachers can be reached by Schoology or email beginning at 1:20 PM and lasting until 2:20 PM.

  • Students who receive English learner support, reading or math interventions, or individualized educational supports will receive communication from their teacher regarding their academic service appointments for the day.


Educator Expectations:

Before an eLearning day

  • Teachers will ensure students know how to retrieve their synchronous instruction link through Seesaw or Schoology.

  • Teachers will ensure students know how to message them through Seesaw (grades kindergarten through second) or Schoology (grades third through eighth) if they need assistance.

  • Elementary special area teachers will get each classroom teacher's synchronous instruction link for the classes they teach so they can join the teacher's synchronous instruction link to provide their music, art, or PE instruction. 

  • Teachers will ensure students know their login information for Schoology, Seesaw, and any supplemental programs as needed.

  • Teachers will show students how to access their eLearning activities in Seesaw (grades kindergarten through second) or Schoology (grades third through eighth).


On an eLearning day

  • Teachers will begin synchronous instruction promptly at 8:15 for AM kindergarten through fifth grade, at 8:20 for sixth through eighth grade, and at 8:30 for AM Early Learners. PM Early Learners will begin synchronous instruction promptly at 12:15 PM.

  • Elementary teachers will be available from 12:25 PM to 2:10 PM to answer questions via email, Seesaw, or Schoology.  Junior high teachers will be available from 1:20 PM to 2:20 PM to answer questions via email or Schoology.